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Played by a verified adult
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NAME ▲ [ Chance Rikhter, M.D. ] AGE ▲ [ 30 ] HEIGHT ▲ [ 5'10" ] SPECIES ▲ [ Human Daywalker ] NATIONALITY ▲ [ Russian-born American ] LANGUAGES ▲ [ English, Russian ] WEAKNESSES ▲ [ Voracious appetite ] FAVORITE FOOD ▲ [ Painfully undecided ] HOBBIES ▲ [ Origami, running, model airplanes ] AFFLICTIONS ▲ [ None he'll cop to Borderline alcoholic] |
OCCUPATION ▲ [ Surgical Fellow ] SPECIALIZATION ▲ [ Pediatrics ] HANDEDNESS ▲ [ Ambidextrious ] NOTABLE FEATURES ▲ [ Fangs ] ORIENTATION ▲ [ No clear preference ] RELATIONSHIP STATUS ▲ [ Single as a Pringle ] TATTOOS ▲ [ None, thanks ] SCARS ▲ [ Disconcertingly flawless ] FEARS ▲ [ Losing use of his hands ] FAMILY ▲ [ The twins, younger half brother & sister ] |
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"Successful people are not gifted. They just work hard, and succeed on purpose." | ) |
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"I'm a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more I have of it." | ) |
POSITIVE ▲ driven ▲ sweet, charismatic candor ▲ highly achievement & goal-oriented ▲ loyal ▲ studious, responsible ▲ not a mean bone in his body ▲ stiff upper lip ▲ unusually intelligent |
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NEGATIVE ▲ stubborn, uncompromising ▲ empathy burnout ▲ fussy & fragile like most surgeons ▲ abandonment complex ▲ literally no life; unhealthy work ethic ▲ huge, fragile ego ▲ high-functioning alcoholic ▲ craven, useless in fights |
┌ A dhampir is the son of a vampire... |
✝Chance struggles with his hunger in private. ✝ | ┌ ...and a human woman. |
➣H Y P N O S I S ▪ Chance can control another person's mind by making eye contact. Since he's not interested in mind-raping anyone, he rarely does this on purpose. Because of his hybrid nature, he is partially or totally impervious to vampiric hypnosis. | ➣ A C U T E S E N S E S ▪ Dhampir tracking abilities with scent have been described as on par with a dog or wolf. He can also sense auras. This skill is largely untested in Chance. That being said, he is extremely skilled at detecting lies. |
➣S U P E R H U M A N S T R E N G T H ▪ Dhampir have above average strength, speed, stamina, and reflexes. These increase with training. But, they haven't in Chance because he spends most of his time studying. The only ability he has really trained is his speed, through his love of running. He is more of a distance runner than a speed runner, capable of covering punishing distances. | ➣ E I D E T I C M E M O R Y ▪ Dhampirs have perfect memory recall, are unable to forget, and develop mentally at a rate far faster than their chronological and biological age. Their minds are often called "vaults" in which they store all their information permanently, regardless of how far such memories recede into the past. This might contribute to his preternatural intelligence. |